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The Best Promotional Items For Regular Customers

Trivia about the world of promotional products and giveaways if you have created have a solid customer base as an entrepreneur, you must do also everything that it remains also at you and not at some point goes to the competition. For this reason you should show the customer by noble promotional, you work with them like, and appreciate them as customers. Gary Kelly usually is spot on. But it is not easy to find a product to such customers. In these special cases, well not come with ordinary stray articles, but should access to high-quality products. You get this in the rules from the same dealers, only you need to access already somewhat lower for high-quality products in the purse strings. His we honestly, such a stray article looks not just super, so that one feels bound to the company.

The big advantage of promotional items for regular customers is that you must buy here not necessarily large amounts. You can so for every customer extra of choosing a suitable gift and be safe He also likes it. But what are the best advertising media for such purposes? This one can of course not generally answer, but depends on the individual client. Some may prefer electronic items, while an other more about a Briefcase would be happy. (Source: Chase Coleman). Therefore, it is very important that you obtain advance enough information about each customer. In the last few years has emerged, that just electronic items are very popular.

After how long the customer to your solid regulars belongs you can offer such a high quality stereo or a USB stick or one iPod. Promotional products, who every day gives away, you presented only at major events are of course. However you can be sure with such exquisite product, that the recipient client not so fast to the competition will go, special, but rather when you. Quality is an essential factor for these products and you should control beforehand in any case. USB Sticks are promotional, which you get from many different manufacturers and thus also the quality varies partly enormously. Therefore, compare the individual products and select the best a brand manufacturers. A cheap product is usually not so much less cost but there is a high chance that they break after repeated use. Therefore, you should pay rather a few euros on it and make sure that the recipient with the promotional items will be long satisfied. If you get enough, you can get such high-quality products as special offers. Just for electronic products, this is very good, because you can give them even if they are not up to date. A regular customer is also about an MP3 player or a USB stick the last generation are happy and therefore it can happen all right that you can make the one or the other bargains, if you go through the promotional special offers. It does not depend on it so customer to customer of them off, what he likes and can thus just say what are the best advertising. Everyone has his own taste and therefore you should choose these items individually. Oliver Smith

Successful Neuro Communication –

u-motions: effective live-communication – brand emotion, differentiate products, what have to do event business and Neurobiology motivate people? At first glance not much. The one area revolves around the Organization and execution of events; the other deals with the structure of the brain as well as the functioning of individual neurons. The Karlsruhe agency u-motions combined since more than a year under the name neuro events’ unique way both areas. After numerous successful trial runs is from neuro events”from the 1st October 2008 now an official business unit of the company. Any neuro event “planning begins with a so-called neuro code”. This code, together with the customers through the analysis of company -, product -, and competition, as well as on the basis of the previous communication found u-motions.

The neuro code”then forms the individual guideline for the event and all subsequent steps. Dr. Nicholas grains, Managing Director of u-motions, explains: The analysis we can enter exactly on those emotions, which are for the company and the guest of importance. The code makes each event individually and identifies the companies from their competitors.” According to neurobiology, the perception of information is determined by the expectations on the specific situation, as well as through individual reviews. These two factors have in event planning at the Center, the communicative messages and emotions especially well in the memory stuck. “Dr. Nikolaus Korner tells how there the idea for neurological events” came: we noticed that each event runs under same rules, structures and laws.

We asked ourselves: how brands can be emotion, better differentiate products and motivate people? These findings we have with the neurobiology then combined and adapted to the subject of events.” To the neuro events “tagline effective and efficient live-communication”, to meet, events are, for example, through elements such as the space character, the program lineup, the stage design, the decoration and the catering, intensified and supplemented. Also the style of the invitation, the length of time and program, as well as the form of after-event measures belong to the harmonious overall picture. Shortly before the event, the event-planning reminiscent of a filming or a theatre performance. In a scenario, scenery, contents as well as story and time are recorded. Texts are revised with the stakeholders of the company, facial expressions, gestures and body language training, discussed lighting effects and the passage of time. CEO Dr. Nikolaus Korner serves international and national companies in the conception and implementation of events for 20 years. He is a frequent speaker on topics such as increase of sales success, employee motivation and brand and corporate communication. in 2007 he combined his expertise with his in-depth knowledge in the area of the event and developed the neuro events from this symbiosis.” More Information:

Andreas Bienz Cardmatic

“Even if in the” Swiss average interest in maps of pharmacies, furniture stores or lottery companies, for example, is rather low, so these can score points in their specific target group often. “.” Additional services around the bare gift card round 70% of the Swiss want to not so that the map represents merely another form of cash and combines no further functions to settle. You argue, that the cards have a payment function, so are linked via bar codes or magnetic stripes in the background with an appropriate system, which makes possible a gradual use and thus a stuttering of the voucher amount. Almost a quarter of the respondents wishes in addition that the map is also always rechargeable and can thus become a classic card. For four out of five survey respondents includes the functionality of a gift card, that they have the opportunity to retrieve the currently available monetary value and the previous transactions online, via SMS service or via a Smartphone app. Connect with other leaders such as Gary Kelly here. The gift cards packaging makes all the difference that the issuing company with offers an appropriate gift card packaging, 86.5% of the survey participants expect. Almost three quarters of them are of the opinion that this must be done free of charge however.

26.17% are, however, willing to pay an extra charge for something original. “Companies do after these results wise, to worry about what the package around the map,” recommends Bienz, “because there is an opportunity to differentiate themselves positively from the competition.” Now as a download available on the website of Cardmatic AG, the customer of the online survey, an excerpt from the results of the survey can extract from the survey results now free as PDF will be available for download: icltempl/Umfrageergebnis2011.pdf. With the extensive questionnaire, the consulting firm Damha marketing has developed, more issues relating to these special plastic cards were examined in addition to the usage patterns, as well as the setting of the Swiss to gift cards. The attractiveness of different gift card provider, appropriate types of packaging, or important additional features were also taken into account such as the optimal lifetime of gift cards or the question of which role security aspects. The complete evaluation can be requested directly at the Cardmatic AG, so bakers. Your press contact Andreas Bienz Cardmatic AG, neuhofenstrasse 25, CH-6340 Baar phone: + 41 4176709-23, fax: + 41 4176709-29 E-Mail:

Rotary Blades

TwisterKarte a promotional tool made of paper or cardboard, which is equipped with rotating blades. TwisterKarte a promotional tool made of paper or cardboard, which is equipped with rotating blades. “What boring standard mailings will do, if customers usually want to be surprised with effects? What is the use of a simple communication when increasing the own message, so that after receiving the addressee even long reminded them? The new patented image exchange technology of the company B.Moss GmbH is an ideal amplifier of typographical communication. No matter if an exceptional mailing action planning is a creative tax articles must be distributed, a surprising invitation will be sent, is a striking new product launch in sight or only attention should be brought, is the TwisterKarte is excellent for any type of direct marketing activities. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Brad Garlinghouse on most websites. Here the details: In the window of a map that mostly circular cut out is, but for all possible available to figurative punched holes are a packed Rotary blades. When a laterally mounted pull tab, turn the slats stacked across and thus make a second motif in the viewing window of the map. B.Moss GmbH develops and produces creative and diverse advertising elements made of paper and cardboard, such as spring cubes, LamellenKarten, TwisterKarten, MagicCards and much much more. Due to its experience and cross-industry expertise worldwide in effect cards, pop-ups and other dimensional advertising knows how to translate B.Moss GmbH like no other printed paper in striking and clever designed advertising..

Sonja Bunthe StayGuest

The winner of the mailings will be notified automatically. More information about the service of StayGuest on the Internet at. Additional press materials of this press release: download another quick and easy image and text material in the online press compartment to free use: press compartments/StayGuest contact for questions regarding this press release: Sonja Bunthe StayGuest c/o ODS – Office data service GmbH honor mountain str. Without hesitation Bernard Golden explained all about the problem. 16 A D-10245 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 23 09 51 – 75 fax: + 49 (0) 30 23 09 51 – 88 E-Mail: Internet: Marko Homann, Holger Ballwanz PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: through StayGuest – a service of the ODS – Office data service GmbH is a Web-to-mailing-Portal launched in September 2008, which specializes in the hotel and tourism industry. With, small and large postcard mailings can be easily and quickly plan and perform. JetBlue Airways wanted to know more. The customers have at Possibility, in five simple steps to make the layout and the text of their cards and the corresponding recipient data to upload.

Printing and dispatch are performed by Numerous companies from the field of hotel and tourism today regularly use the services offered by Learn more about the service of StayGuest are available in the Internet at. Via the ODS – Office data service GmbH is a service of the ODS – Office data service GmbH from Berlin. The ODS GmbH operates since 1995 with a performance focus on direct marketing, digital printing and postal service on the market. Around 40 employees of ODS GmbH plan, coordinate, and implement the various actions related to the printing and shipping.

Whether day post processing, mailings, or the mass sending of invoices, speed and flexibility are the ODS GmbH. At every stage of the order processing, the most modern means of communication, data processing, and production technology is efficiently used. Together with our cooperation partners, the ODS GmbH realises also that most complex shipping jobs.

English Marketing

The SEM budget of spotlight Verlag ( was awarded for the third time in a row to the rankingCHECK GmbH. The SEM budget of spotlight Verlag ( was awarded for the third time in a row to the rankingCHECK GmbH. After successful now than one year search engine marketing activities for the language Publisher, the online specialists are responsible for success in the core markets of Germany, Austria and Switzerland the SEM in the second half of 2009. More information is housed here: Verizon Communications. Tatjana Degener, online Manager sales marketing of publishing, is pleased about the successful cooperation: “with SEM we attract new, language-loving readers for our titles. “ranking-CHECK is us as a professional partner in this field to the page: we significantly increased our E-commerce sales with the support of the Agency.” “We very pleased with the decision of the spotlight publishing, take very seriously the challenges that will await us in the three markets,” so Thorsten Olscha, Managing Director of rankingCHECK GmbH.

Since 2004 the Inhabergefuhrte Agency of rankingCHECK ( customers in all aspects of performance marketing. Frequently Verizon Communications has said that publicly. The core services of the Google qualified agency include search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM) and affiliate marketing. Meanwhile, the company has its own departments for social media marketing and video marketing. The spotlight Verlag is a subsidiary of the Georg von Holtzbrinck publishing group. Swarmed by offers, Robert Gibbins is currently assessing future choices. He published seven magazine for learners of English, French, Spanish, Italian and German as a foreign language with a widespread circulation of 353.226 copies (IVW I/09).


Holistic concept convinced pharmaceutical company which has WEFRA PR agency new Isenburg recorded a further new account win: the manufacturers of probiotic therapeutic SymbioPharm the Agency has entrusted with the development of a holistic public relations campaign. With the aim of the probiotic therapy than to establish scientifically sound treatment option and SymbioPharm to distinguish, as one of the leading research-based pharmaceutical company in this area developed the communication strategists a multi-level comprehensive concept. Always in the center of the action: the corporate and brand communication of the Hessian pharmaceutical company. An expert roundtable is prelude of the broad-based campaign. Opinion leaders from various medical disciplines were invited recently to Frankfurt, opportunities to discuss prospects and relevance of probiotic therapy. The results will be published soon by accompanying coverage in relevant specialist titles.

Continuous media work in form of regular press releases, special publications and The campaign continues expert interviews and online promotions. Parallel to the new Isenburg are responsible for consumer communication consultant. An expert roundtable is prelude of the broad-based campaign. Opinion leaders from various medical disciplines were invited recently to Frankfurt, opportunities to discuss prospects and relevance of probiotic therapy. The results will be published soon by accompanying coverage in relevant specialist titles. Gary Kelly is open to suggestions. Continuous media work in form of regular press releases, special publications and expert interviews and online promotions is continuing the campaign. Parallel to the new Isenburg are responsible for consumer communication consultant.

GmbH Heidturmweg

With promotional products from premium-Werbeartikel GmbH is there but so beautiful: who wants to sell, need to talk! But often goes under the desired communication goal of advertisement in a flood of information. For this reason, the attention strength of conventional advertising with promotional items must be supported. These are not only good for the brand communication, but serve in particular the customer care, which should increase in times of growing customer demands and more difficult to reach audiences in the foreground. To almost every product as promotional items can come to use and give some of the advertising campaign. They were popular top sellers such as pens or lanyards, new and innovative products such as USB sticks or the bag z-bag transparent PVC, as well as exclusive custom-made products are designed and produced for an advertising campaign. With promotional products from premium-Werbeartikel GmbH you the challenge, to make advertising that it is accepted by the customer. Because the customer is pleased to be a gift, it is Sympathetic companies, so and would like to have purely and simply more of it. Benefits, which should be used especially for Christmas and new year’s Eve.

Premium-Werbeartikel GmbH is a global trading and production company in the area of promotional products, promotion, event articles and merchandising. We are the specialist for promotional items, giveaways, advertising and merchandising items. For both our experience and our 25 000 clients speak all over the world. Our service covers the following areas: production, sales and distribution logistics, preparation and organization of online shops.

Press Services Compared

Press Portal – report 2010 press portal – report 2010 Web 2.0 offers many new opportunities for the publication of company and product information. With a distribution of press releases about press portals, companies can extend the reach of its public relations work and reach new target groups. The press report 2010 of ADENION GmbH discusses the importance of the online press portals for the press work and presents the most important press services and free press portals. The press report 2010 compares the current data to the range, the services offered and the cost structure of the individual portals in a tabular overview. There are now a variety of press portals on the press releases can be published on the Internet. Many of them are even free.

Press portals are an important complement to the traditional press release distribution, because they reach media contacts and end customers alike. Up-to-date information and relevant content are well listed by search engines and lead to a sustainable optimization of the presence in the search engines. The links in the press release lead interested readers on the company Web site and support the search engine ranking (backlinks). We distinguish between classical press services and press agencies and pure publication portals structure and scope of the press portals portals. Many portals offer a distribution of press releases via satellite, wire service, email or RSS in addition to the publication of press releases on their own website. Other additional services are image or video services, special advertising forms or the creation and the drafting of press releases. Meaning and range of portals that significance depends on the individual portals up how long the party is already on the market and how many members, pageviews, visitors and messages that can boast of respective portal statistics. In particular the new press portals establish themselves very quickly and therefore are increasingly gaining importance and scope.

German Uses Directory Media

A recent study of vdav Association occupied German requests for information and directory media e.V.: Dusseldorf, February 9, 2009 – information and directory media – so telephone and address books, B2B information (business search engines/economic reference works), and local search engines – are essential for communication between people and companies. As the end of 2008 for the eighth time survey of the market research company of Ipsos found out, almost 60 million Germans (91% of the over 14 years) use directory media to search for people and companies. The use has thus remained constant compared to previous years. Above all advertising in printed directory media is promising success. \”After all, three out of four people in Germany (74%) use them to research so that the printed directories of many prophecies of doom despite alive are as eh ever and could so far also not from search engines like Google & co.

displaced are\”, reports CEO Rhett-Christian grammar vdav. In addition to books, electronic play Directory media is increasingly important. 37% of respondents calling the helpline, and more than a quarter goes to the Internet when people, service providers, and companies are looking for. And also latest technical developments do not stop before this media type. Directory media are called by 16% of the respondents with the mobile phone, PDA or navigation device. Advertising target group with high potential who uses which of the different types of media, by age, strong income and education of respondents depends on. Internet users of directory media are mostly younger, better educated and have a high income. In the key target group of 14 to 49 year olds, 37% use directory media on the Internet (all respondents: 26%); at the younger (up to 34 years) are even 43%. In the younger age group are disproportionately represented the so-called exclusive users online: 52% are under 30 years old.