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Moving Towards Simplicity

It is aimed at improving the knowledge that the organization itself, is intended to improve the ability of different Strategy in process, designed to measure the environment, etc. But it all comes down to this: The ability to make good decisions. “In the future the value of organizations is measured by its ability to make sound decisions.” In short, you should: – review concepts for strategic decision making – have to understand the different strategies that others have experienced or there, even outside the usual. – You have to understand the strategies that the natural functioning of the world uses – and especially to simplify all processes, otherwise the natural tendency to “Entropy” – the disorder will increase exponentially the whole process costs for businesses. And with all this, experiment and learn. Something we are doing wrong when we apply strategies fail – unfortunately many times – perhaps everything would work better if we apply the simple principle: “entia non sunt sine multiplicands necessitate” (should not multiply entities without necessity or otherwise explain it again what can explain at least) a bit in translation less literal “is superb to do with more what can be done with less” “pluralit non est sine ponendo necessitate” or “plurality should not be postulated without necessity.” Although today is best seen as “being equal the simplest solution is probably right.” Theory “Occam’s razor (William of Occam) is necessary to move towards” The strategy of simplicity Bibliography: 1 – Gleick, James (1988). Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Chase Coleman on most websites. CAOS The creation of a science.

Spain: Seix Barral 2 – Trout, J., Rivkin, S. (1996) The New Positioning, the latest on Competitive Strategy more effectively in the business world. Spain: McGraw Hill Reference articles on the Internet: – Cabrera, HG teaching strategy. – Dominguez, A. Evolutionary biology. Convergent evolution.

– Gonzalez, RC “Skill in the strategy,” Working on the chapter “Skill in the strategy,” the book “The Strategic Process” by H. Mintzberg and JB Quinn, Editorial Prentice Hall Hispanic, Mexico, 1993. – Guerrero, F. Theories of complexity: a paradigm for the study of organizations – Lefcovich, ML. Kaizen strategy – Marcane, JA. From strategy to strategic management. An approach to the integration of strategic, tactical and operational. – Nava, C. In search of strategos – The professional and the phenomenon Competitive Strategy Other references: Amenos Antoni Vidal,