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La Paz Safety

Eng. Mario Holguin the aftermath of Brasilia in 1998 there have been multiple order global, regional and national events. For my Brasilia was the inspirational spark that served as background for awakening interest in global road safety.Despite the growth of the vehicular field in the big Brazilian city, with the La Paz in the traffic campaign, there was a substantial decrease in traffic accidents and injuries for this cause.There was a political will and there was integration of the society for the implementation and enforcement of strong measures. There was magic.Even recalls welcome intervention in that sense of then President Fernando Henrique Cardoso. The 2000 report of the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Motorsports Foundation and other organizations, released two years later by the United Nations, constitutes the faithful and most important document that portrays the world reality of roads.The November 19 of 2003, adopted at the UN General Assembly, resolution 58/9 entitled Crisis on road safety in the Mundo.En that study settled clearly three fundamental aspects for the development of future work aimed to tackle this crisis.The first was to define a political will, where the globe Governments have the theme within your list of priorities.Secondly, recognize that traffic accidents are preventable. And third, that the participation of the associations and the private sector is essential to succeed in the struggle of accident prevention.

In April of the following year, at the World Health Day, the main agenda item was road safety. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Chase Coleman. At that time approved the report of the Secretariat of the United Nations called road safety and Salud.Un interesting fact was that determined which are the vulnerable road users in our low and middle income countries, that fits today constitute a strong headache in Dominican Republic and in other Latin American Nations.Another momentous resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations was approved the first of December 2005 with the name of improvement of road safety in the Mundo.Es when the need to implement programmes to preserve life young people on roads allowed. The celebration of the global road safety week for youth was defined in 2007 under the auspices of the Economic Commission of Europea.El World Congress of youth about the prevention of injuries due to accidents of transit in Geneva at the end of April 2007, it has served as a referential framework to develop national work in different parts.There was a significant statement in where youth assume commitments at different levels of society to reduce accidents on waterways.Finally, from the celebration of March 31 of this year, with the reading of a famous open letter to the United Nations signed by several personalities of worldwide influence, was convened at the headquarters of this agency in New York to 90 member countries to propose the holding of the Global Ministerial Conference on road safety sponsored by the Rusa.Esta Federation in 2009 motion was approved in Assembly by the United Nations about a month later. Efforts to eradicate the high rate of accidents on roads continue to develop. Everything is a process.