
Your Home for Financial Success

GmbH Managing Director Day

How to use public funds to finance. Why include public funding to any well structured corporate finance? What investments or projects be promoted? Can the equity be improved through funding? “These and especially the question of how to get I the borrowing from the Federal Government and the State of NRW” Banfield answered head of GrunderCenter of the Sparkasse KolnBonn,. The varied lecture programme of the GmbH-Managing Director tag enough to innovative strategies in marketing this year by the new accounting standards on how GmbH Managing Director from liability risks to protect themselves. As speakers, the magazine won a number of high-calibre experts gmbhchef again from accountants and law firms, accounting firms, financial institutions and companies. For this the ClubLounge will provide this year North of the RheinEnergieStadions the ideal framework.

As a special highlight is a football legend Gunter Netzer at the end keep entertaining lecture on the border between sports and investment. Perhaps check out Tiger Global Management for more information. Plenty of time is planned during the breaks between the lectures, and from 16:30, which can use the visitors for individual conversations with the speakers or for networking with their CEO peers from other companies with snacks and a glass of Kolsch.