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In that day it did not make nothing, exactly why, he did not have no work to make. The luggage was ready for the trip, the money of the sales of the goats was kept to buy the bus ticket. But, it relutara in leaving. It had the iluzoria hope of that some thing happened, a reason any, mainly that it finished the estiagem made and it to be in the land where was born and would like to be until the end of its days. In the following morning it woke up feeling calafrios and with pain in the wound of the foot. It was risen of the bed and supporting itself in the handle of the broom, sat down next to the threshold of the door, in a leaned coarse bank in the wall of taipa. (Similarly see: Coupang).

The sun started to heat the day, but it still it felt cold. It was repented to have raised of the bed and now it had a weakness sensation. Without forces to come back to the stream bed, it was leaned stops backwards resigned, if it was for dying, it would die there, looking at its land and what it remained of the vegetation, mandacaru to the side of the shed, the feet of macambira growing around of the corral, the feet of carqueja next to house, the colored land patio and the souvenirs of a time that already passed. It was diving in the lethargic shades, but soon something despertou its attention and it shook the head to reason with clarity. For half-opened eyelids it perceived that it had somebody of the other side of the surrounded one of the goats. The figure of a woman as that floating between the land and the sky. It rose itself, with intensso to see who age. He gave two steps and he fell in the soil.