They are considered and they elaborated laws, regulations and punitive norms. Specialized jobs and repressive are created to fight the fenmeno. They are condemned, in public square, with breaking of the right to the good-name and the swaggerer of innocence, until test in the opposite; the most elementary rights to counsel of the accused arguidos ones in such situations are infringed. A true one is instituted hunts to the man and/or the group nicknamed corrupt. At last, on behalf of the moralizao of the regimen, the dignificao of the institutions and the escape to any ' ' coisa' ' , normally, to taxes, everything will be possible to become, including the intromission in the private life of the people. The other side of the question has not been argued. That reasons, reasons, causes and arguments can be in the attempt of justification of such fenmeno, called for corruption? Somebody thought that some of the causes that could be underlying are the inaqualities: social, econmica, politics, educative and others? What the negative discrimination, between citizens of one same native land, natural or in it resident, that they serve master the same, but that they do not benefit of the same exemptions and privileges, can be, also one of the origins of this situation? E, conceptual, who is corrupt and who is corruptor? which of the papers is more serious? The popular notion points with respect to all the person and/or group that receives values material, only favors special, privileges, in exchange for a service, of an influence, of a favorable decision, given to another one that, legally, it would not have right, gratifying in exchange that one that gave such service to it. as if would classify, the legislator, the executive, the politician and the citizen who decides for a person, group or institution, to receive benefits, in this in case that legal, but that the generality of the population does not have? Then, as if it can condemn, how many times in the public square, those that, feeling victims of an injustice, incompreendidos and badly remunerated, receive, without demanding, one arrest, a benefit, a monetary attention, of who it was, directa or indirectamente, favored? The democracy alone if fortifies well with formed citizens, in all its possible dimensions, special those that exert public offices in the diverse organisms and institutions of the power central politician, regional and local, any that are the intervention areas.