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The History Of The Boston

Boston, a band of hard Core originated in the North American city of same name, whose success it was given during the decades of 70 and 80 for musics as Lives Than the Feeling, Peace of Mind, Foreplay/Long Teams, Don? t Look Back, Feeling Satisfied, Smokin and Amanda. Everything started when its leader, Tone Scholz, sent a ribbon demon for the Epic Records, that produced and financed the writing. The singer joined itself then to the Barry Gordreau (guitar), Brad Delp (vocal), Fran Sheehan (low) and Sib Hashian (baterista), forming the Boston. The album of launching of the group the same takes name that the band and acquired a great critical success of public soon and at the beginning. Such projection must it music Lives Than the Feeling, that currently still is considered a great song of Rock enclosure for bullfighting. With such album, the band remained itself for much time in the success stops, concurring with great successes as Bee Gees. As the album of the called band Don? t Look Back also comes folloied of a great repercussion.

However, Boston initiates one referring judicial crisis the contracts with recorder and Paul Ahern, its producer. Some time later, in the decade of 80, the problems judicial still were in progress, but Tone obtained the right to use the name of the band again. From now on, the band passes for a constant exchange of integrant, being that in the launching of the album Third Stage in 1986, only Tom and Brad if had kept of the original version, being distinguished for hits We? reverse speed Ready and Amanda. The next album, Walk On, are launched without the presence of Brad. The main music of this is Linvin will be You, that did not get as much success with the fans. Brad comes back toward the 1994 band, together with the notice of that Tone would have to indemnify the producer in a next value the 1 million and way of dollar, making with that the Boston entered in a financial crisis took as solution the launching of a COMPACT DISC of Greatest Hits with only two unknown bands: Tell me and Higer Power. Later, the band the Boston does not obtain great repercussion in none another work, having only one return in 2002 with the album Corporate America, that pleased only old fans of the group. Valley the penalty to remember the classics of this band. In case that he is fan or it wanted to know more on the Boston, you it can see the letters of the Boston, all its hits in the site, a site of letters of musics.