To create own brand we can think of any trademark that know and recognize immediately. You will have some qualities that make it different from others, are relevant or important, characteristics, and is coherent and consistent over time (if buy a yogurt brand X, always know same, has the same color, the same texture). Similar to in products, we need to know what demand market, which needs has, and how we can meet them. But always based on our values, our features. For example, if always languages have given me wrong, should not want to earn me a living as a translator and put me to learn Chinese. The consistency can show it in working life each day, and the curriculum that we produce must show that consistency, our own brand should look in all aspects (in my experience, many) resumes not already passed a first filter for having a bad presentation; just as we do not buy a product if the packaging does not have very good appearance). In addition, and depending on the type of position is important to highlight certain values or minimize others (this is an important aspect, and often is not taken into account). Someone may be individualistic or prefer teamwork, be flexible or systematic, tolerant or demanding, introverted or extroverted, creative or grid are not bad qualities in themselves, depends on the type of work that you want to play (for example, a shy person can be a poor seller, but being an excellent financial analyst). A good way of thinking on how to differentiate itself consists of start by the end, i.e., visualize how you want to be perceived (in line with the qualities that one has), and going back, analyze what features need to get up there. From this reasoning, we study which is the gap, that is, what separates our current product from the desired, and we are going step by step covering those differences. Original author and source of the article.