On this occasion, we pause to comment on the great waste and poor utilization of the opportunity school Administration of the University of Carabobo, gave him years ago to the Board chaired by William Castle at the time, so the College proactive towards it change its course and its affiliates provide maximum benefits to be derived from College of Management a well managed. Remarkably, in the case of Carabobo, Valencia especially, it has left and leaves a lot to say about his pro, college is a fixed in time, giving you more strength to his representation that his dynamism of what should be a College of Administrators. It is characterized by the policies to keep professionals have spent many years playing the same position and not have projected the College, such as training, employment, protection, defense of its members, publications, seminars, conferences, workshops, research , linkage with universities, companies, professional services, among others, has been very poor. For a long time, he has referred to its board of importance of being more proactive in terms of what should be a good School Administrators, with its own yields, with appropriate physical facilities, excellent services to its members to enable them to not only enjoy the social, cultural, professional in an effective manner , motivational. They were provided with strategic plans to develop projects to rescue the role of the College, as a closer connection, participation with the Universities, Business Schools, to make known their views, suggestions towards which they define what should be the Profile Manager to form, feeling, of business in relation to vocational training is being provided.