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Power Land

Lutzberger very defines of clear form the size of the atrocity that homo sapiens-sapiens comes committing, observes: What we make in the Amaznia is probably, the greater of the imbecilidades of the history of the humanity. Saddest in this error it is that it is so unnecessary and its so previsible consequences. One more time the benefited ones are sacking external to the region, little matter that if it deals with firms So Paulo multinationals or individuals or entities, gauchos or of other Brazilian regions. to the amaznidas ones they will sobraro the devastao, the hdricos and climatic disequilibria, the marginalizao and the hunger. But everything this is development. J.

Lutzberger, Ecology of the Garden to the Power (p.89) in Pellegrini Son, (2000 p.27). The Letter of the Land, 2004 demonstrates of unequivocal form the importance of this moment where we are living, as well as the necessity of in them compromissarmos of form more effective with the maintenance of the most distinct forms of life in the world, from the place where we live: ' ' We are ahead of one critical moment in the history of the Land, at a time where the humanity must choose its future. To the measure that the world becomes each more interdependent and fragile time, the future faces, at the same time, great perigos and great promises. To follow ahead, we must recognize that, in the way of the one magnificent diversity of cultures and forms of life, we are a family human being and a terrestrial community with a common destination. We must add forces to generate an established global sustainable society in the respect for the nature, the universal human rights, economic justice and a culture of the peace. To arrive at this intention, it is imperative that we, the peoples of the Land, let us declare our responsibility ones we stop with the others, with the great community of the life, and with future geraes' '.