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Moscow Excavator

Torque applied to the more severe rotational Platform Excavator Caterpillar, exceeds the similar parameter for excavators of the same class, which is especially important when working on an inclined surface, but at the same time, it required the installation of more efficient braking system through which Caterpillar excavator stops spinning immediately after passing the control knob to its neutral position. As a result, the excavator motion become more accurate. The difference of working volume of the bucket results in fundamentally different designs excavators. However, by themselves bo' mass and is heavier and sturdy design of the machine can not serve any advantage or disadvantage. Need to assess what the economy operating excavators Caterpillar, bucket capacity and lift capacity of which is 15% higher than those of similar models of the foreign producers. If all the additional power is expended to curb additional mass weighted design, the sense in it.

Costs and revenues. For example, consider a new Caterpillar 320C excavator working weight of about 20 m. It is equipped with a bucket 1.05 m3 and is in Moscow, about 121 000 usd (recall that all the prices – approximate). According to statistics, the import excavators year brings ever greater on average 3,600 hours work is 365 days a year to 16 20 hours a day. Machine shifts controlled by two operators. With an average salary of about 700 usd, labor costs amount to 17,000 usd per year regardless of the model. Per hour of work a 20-ton excavator modern uses about 15 liters of fuel. Over 3,600 hours of operation will require 54,000 liters of fuel, the cost will be around 20 000 usd.

Periodic maintenance of imported excavator should be every 250 hours, or an average of 14 times per year. This will require about 6000 usd a year. As a result, we find that the estimated costs for imported excavator in Moscow for a year will be about 43,000 usd. Typical duty cycle excavator is 17 sec. Per hour 320C excavator dig 222 cubic meters of soil. Of course, the constant operation of the excavator with a full load is only an ideal. It is estimated that in Moscow diggers are actually working Approximately 60% of two-shift 16-hour workday. With this in mind, we find that the 320C excavator digs per hour 133.2 m3. Multiplying the hourly production by 3600 hours of annual operating hours, we get annual dug soil. This volume should multiplied by the average rate as low as digging for digging the pit for the foundation or trench – 10 usd per cubic meter. From the resulting annual revenue must be calculated to subtract the earlier cost of the excavator – 43,000 usd per year. In result is that Caterpillar 320C excavator will bring the owner of 4,752,200 usd. Of course, the above calculations can not be considered ready business plan because of the way, we have neglected many aspects. But the qualitative picture is clear – in conditions of high load more expensive and more productive excavator profitable. "I've got three years, Caterpillar operates, and all like new, I am very pleased – says the ceo of the Santa + Sergei Kasap. – For three years, even with our heavy load, this technique does not break or wear out. I think 7 8 years it normally can serve. Technology Caterpillar – an effective investment of our resources. " It must be emphasized that these findings valid only under fairly intense loading shovel. Miracles do not happen: the big investments and bring more profit.