Important contribution comes to the conservation of biodiversity of the destruction of plant and animal species are costly to the mankind sustainable reforestation and management. Alone the pollination by insects is worth 110 billion euros, revealed the latest TEEB report (the economies of ecosystems and biodiversity). On the occasion of the day for the preservation of biodiversity on May 22, 2011, the Bonn party forest investments calls ForestFinance so politics and economics to on, to incorporate this value also on economic bills and to show more responsibility in the protection of the species. In addition to the preservation of existing habitats, reforestation can immensely contribute to biodiversity conservation if they are made in a sustainable manner”so Harry Aboagye, Managing Director of the ForestFinance group. Just forestry companies are therefore under an obligation to ensure a responsible use of the natural concern.” That forestry and biodiversity are not contradictory, shows an example of the ForestFinance forests. More than 15 percent of the Areas for nature protection and form together with the recovered burned Brownfields stepping stone biotopes for many rare animal and plant species.
So observed scientists from the University of Panama in the Finca Los monos, one of the oldest ForestFinance forests, 15 species in the red list of endangered animal species, including howler monkeys, toucans, and Kapuzineraffchen threatened with extinction. This biodiversity through sustainable management of mixed cultures is possible. Study shows high biodiversity in ForestFinance forests also an investigation of the TU Munich occupies the high biodiversity in the ForestFinance forests. The variety of plants as well as the acceptance of animals is greater than in conventional plantations thanks to the concept of mixed forest. The study of the Munich-based forest science society e. V. was awarded the prize. “Thanks to its exemplary management the ForestFinance offered to forests in Panama, to explore the practical implementation and effect of environmental policy”, explains forestry engineer Carola Paul.