“A next door wife Jennifer Aniston, who through her role in the television series of friends” known, has a loyal fan base. It attracts many fans at events such as the Berlinale 2011. Due to their friendly nature she enjoys among colleagues and the media popularity. The news portal news.de illuminated the fascination to the person Jennifer Aniston. Regularly, the celebs are reported life in TV shows and magazines. Whether musicians, athletes or actors entertain them all and help normal citizens, for their own daily lives for a while to gain distance. With Jennifer Aniston many can identify media experts say, because they find their own problems in the life of the actress. For example, the fact that the over 40 years is still single provides frequent discussions.
Jennifer Aniston can be speculations in this regard but not from the rest and remain true to himself. By their peers, it is as pleasant, affable man described, with which all enjoy working together. Since the end of February is Jennifer Aniston on the screen in the new film my fictional woman”, in which she plays Adam Sandler’s alleged estranged wife. As initially rather unassuming single mother Katherine she entertains with humor.