When observing the map of the IBGE of this region, can be perceived that this brook is affluent of the right edge of the river Three Bars and is called Waters of the Peixinho, bathing, among others properties, also the lands of the Peixinho farm. Under the aspect of the behavior, the farmer and its people, according to Nimuendaj, were one declared outlaw, not remaining doubt to the etnlogo in affirming that the family of the cuiabano soon when arriving in the place already had committed some crime against the Ofai who lived there (Nimuendaju, 1913a). The lands that surrounded the edges of the river Three Bars belong today to the city of Anaurilndia and until the start of century XX, they were inhabited by diverse hordas of Ofai aboriginals who rambled since its springs, in the region north, bordering with the current city of New Andradina, until the south, in its estuary with the river Paran. Parallel to the Three Bars, in both the edges, the streams Quebracho, Quiteri, Smoke, Axe and Combat, had been surely territory of traditional Ofai occupation and the experience of the contact with the such Joaquin Ribeiro and its comitiva must have been, at least, disastrous. The narrative of other conflicts involving farmers who lived in this same region, between 1903 and 1905, to the times a little more to the north and, to the times, a little more to the south, stories that they are brought to the memory for Nimuendaj in its Report, only serve to demonstrate the high degree of insatisfao that the migrantes revealed in relation the aboriginals and the motivations that had for practising attacks against they. The Ofai, when they were not accused to shoot an arrow the mare of farmer Quincas Ribeiro, was pointed stealing maize in roa of Peter Lopes or frightening the comrades of Joo Blacksmith of Souza in some neighboring farm from there.