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Historical Facts About The Origin Of Tarot

he study of the historical origin of the Gypsy tarot is extremely interesting, since it reflects the history of the culture of the world. The birth of tarot is basically linked to the history of peoples and cultures, and the different religions of the world. The reality is that there are many disparate voices that arise when it comes to point out the date or place of birth of the tarot. The study of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics indicate that there is a similar practice, entrusted to the priests of the Pharaoh. The objective of this primitive tarot was to achieve a path of direct communication with the divinity, which could equal to the Oracle at Delphi of the Greeks. Of course, it was not a practice popular, but reserved to the nobility, who took the predictions made with utmost seriousness.

Merchants such as Assyrian and Phoenician peoples, in their course over the world led the practice of reading the cards to all corners of Europe and Africa, each people adapted to their own culture and idiosyncrasy. The birth of the ancient age brought about Europe the fall of a terrible veil of ignorance and superstition: the Inquisition. From the establishment of this regime, there is very little documented about the practices of the tarot. At this point he had already quite popular on the coasts of Marseille, on the Mediterranean Sea, led by the hand of seamen who were circulating between Europe and Africa and Asia minor. During the Inquisition, by small things people were tortured in brutal and sadistic ways, and also burned at the stake.

By logic, who was devoted to the reading of the letters does not reveal in any way its activity. However, as in ancient Egypt, the tarot readings was performed by royalty in private meetings. Meanwhile, the Roma people had adopted this practice as theirs, taking her in his eternal travel the world to where you were. As you know, the Gypsies were one of the favorite piezass of the persecution of the Inquisition, but despite all these drawbacks, they retained until Today the custom of the circulation of the letters. Southwest Airlines addresses the importance of the matter here. Once they reached the age of enlightenment and the Inquisition came to an end, saw a revival of the custom of the circulation of the Gypsy Tarot cards.