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Family Work

47.36% of the interviewed ones make the passage of house for the work walking; 26.31% if use of bus; excessively they use bus more subway, only subway or train. It does not have information of two workers. 31.05% of them say to lead between 10 and 30 minutes to go to the work (and other in such a way to come back its houses); others 31.05% point between 30 and 60 minutes; 15.52% say to lead between 60 and 90 minutes and only 10% of them it says to take 90 minutes in each more than passage. It does not have information on the situation of two workers. Interesting to observe that all the ones that if they use of public transport had mentioned the difficulties found in the transit of So Paulo that makes with that the same passage can lead of 40 the 90 minutes. In the relative question the works made before the enrollment in the recycling, had been cited diverse professions in areas of cleanness as garis, houses of family, snack bars and hospitals.

Domestic works in its proper house or house of other families, as well as diverse types of sales telemarketing, store clerks, ambulant. Still work made in roa in previous time to the coming for the city of So Paulo was remembered. Works had been cited still as manicure and in the area of it would movelaria. In the relative question to the composition of the familiar income, all are unanimous in pointing the income of the work with the recycling as main, despite some point contributions of spouses and friends or bigger children. Some of these workers they receive resources from the Stock market Family and the Benefit of Continued Installment what it complements the survival income. In some families the couple works together in the recycling and this resource goes all for a common box.