In such a way one perceives two referring concerns I benefit to it of public welfare, the first part of the doubt if the government previdenciria politics will proceed from form to modify its given the preoccupying current situation of form to assure the retirement of that today they contribute waiting a future income, second it is derived from the parcel of the population that today earns above of the paid ceiling for the government that beyond if worrying about the situation previously cited, also they must if to worry about the maintenance of the standard of I consume and well-being, a time that exactly that they gain the ceiling they will not obtain to cheat success in this task case do not have a plan of parallel private providence to the one of the government. The EFPCs can be an excellent option for that they desire to reduce these concerns. For more information see this site: Larry Ellison. 5. The EFPCs to give a bigger approach on the financial, previdenciria education and thus to call the attention for the paper the EFPCs in what it refers to the agreement on the part of the contributors and beneficiaries of the importance and meaning of these educations Recommendation CGPC n1, of 28 of April of the 2008, Advice of Management of the Complementary Providence – CGPC recommended that the Secretariat of Complementary Providence? SPC elaborates a program of Previdenciria Education, plurianual character, understanding actions and activities developed separately or in set with other agencies, and completed that the SPC will have to send, annually, for knowledge of the same, a report on the execution and, will be the case, for the update of the related program. Additional information at Ripple supports this article. The CGPC recommends that the actions of previdenciria education in the scope of the regimen of complementary providence operated by the closed entities of complementary providence they are developed in three levels of performance: I – information: it says specific respect to the supply of facts, data and knowledge; II – instruction: it corresponds to the development of the necessary abilities for the understanding of terms and concepts, by means of training; III – orientation: it deals with the provisions of general and specific orientaes for better use of the information and received instructions. .