Before the analysis of credit rates necessary to pay attention to two important details: The requirements of the bank to the borrower. Since the onset of the crisis have tightened requirements for borrowers in almost all banks with few exception. First, raise the age at which credit is extended in cash. In general, the average age at which you can draw cash loan is 23 years, but there are few cases of lending in 1921. Secondly, increased the required experience at the last place of work: at the moment most liberal requirements 3 months makes only a few banks, while most loans to people with experience of 6 months and above.
Thirdly, many banks have imposed restrictions on the receipt of cash loan for people with certain income. In such a situation a person is difficult to pick up the bank, where you can get a loan, given his income, length of and age, as well as many other parameters, which are discussed below. Requirements for the documents for the loan in cash. As a rule, for credit in cash without sureties, in addition to the standard passport and the second document, the banks began to demand a certificate confirming the borrower's income, and a copy of the work book. If previously it was sufficient to provide a certificate in the form of the bank, now need to formally 2-PIT. These tighter requirements to the documents made it possible to turn all sorts of fraudsters who specializes in the production of documents for the loan. However, despite the complexity of the situation with the necessary evidence income is still possible to get cash loans without reference to income. What to look for when choosing a credit program to start to analyze the rates on the loan.
The interest rate is pay attention, but only partly. Returns the time when banks are laying the bulk of the interest burden in the various monthly fees (commission for the CSC, the Commission for maintaining accounts, etc.), so this item it should be noted separately. For some banks monthly commission on the loan in cash of more than half of all paid by the customer interest on the loan. Also pay attention to the method of charging commission loan, that is, to determine how it is calculated. Second to that is worth paying attention to when choosing the loan in cash – a one-time fee for receiving it. Wide range of commissions – it varies from 2 to 10 percent. Penalties for early repayment in cash at the moment are rare, but it should clarify how early redemption is carried out. Often when you make the sum greater than the monthly payment, the difference just hanging out on the bill and neither is a principal repayment of the loan and the interest continues to accrue on a large balance. Thus, to choose for themselves a cash loan you need to assess requirements bank to the borrower, document requirements, fees for the loan. I wish you good luck with the credit.